
Wednesday 30 January 2013

Just dance!

Good afternoon! Just a quick post to share this card with you! Just got back from being dragged around the woods by the Marauder, who is still growing rapidly, but learning to behave herself a lot more slowly! She walks really nicely on the lead until she sees something interesting-another dog, a person, a squirrel, a bird, a leaf, a blade of grass, a shadow...!!!-then it's a different story! Still it's puppy training class this evening and I'm hoping that something will sink in!
These photos were taken 1 week ago,  she is now very leggy, but still cute!
Anyway,back to the card, image is by Mo Manning (there's a surprise!) Papers were free with a magazine, just added some ribbon, flowers and a tag. The sketch is by Sketch Saturday.
That's all fom me now, have a good evening!
Challenges entered:sketchsaturday
                               theprettylittleribbon flowers and ribbon
                               dreamvalleychallenges girls girls girls
                               onestitchatatime use digi
                               totallygorjuss flowers
                               craftycatz cute as a button
                               jellypark button up
                               totallypapercrafts let's dance


  1. Oh My! She's just sooooo darn cute...big but cute lol...LOve to see pictures of her and good luck at dog camp tonight.
    Good job you mentioned your card again at the end lol..I'd forgotten to take a good look Chris it's not that I don't LOve cards, but I LOve dogs too.
    FABulous card. FABulous colours and the cutest of images..LOve your stitching too.

  2. What a beautiful card. Such a cutie and I love the layout and thr freebie papers. Love freebies, especially when we have such an expensive hobby.
    Hugs Sharon. x

  3. Beautiful card. The colours have been matched so well. Your dog is a real cutie.

  4. Very cute card, and thanks for sharing your puppy pictures! Thanks for playing along at Dream Valley!

  5. Gorgeous card Chris, love the sweet image and colours.
    Marauder is just so adorable, reminds me of when our English Pointer was a puppy, with those long legs & big feet waiting to fill out..hope puppy training went well.
    Thanks for playing along at Totally Papercrafts this week.
    Wendy xx

  6. A really cute image and gentle colours on your super card. Thanks for joining us at OSAAT. Hazel x

  7. This is such a lovely card but sorry your dog is just the cutest and if he is anything like mine he will be like this for the next 4 months and then he will be bait better but still has his moments

  8. sweet card, your dog looks lovely...i'm sure he will settle down,thanks for sharing with us at CRAFTY CATZ x carol

  9. A beautiful card! Lovely colouring, lovely papers, very neat stitching too! And your puppy is beautiful too! Thank you for playing along with us at Sketch Saturday this week. Hugs, Lesley

  10. Oh my gosh - your card is adorable, but that PUPPY.... look at those eyes. I am in love. Thank you for joining us at Jellypark, by the way. :)

  11. What a sweet card Chris, love the image and beautiful colours... and lovely photos of your puppy. Yes, even ours, he is good until he seems something to run after ha ha :) xx

  12. What a lovely card. Love that image. I should get some more Mo images.... although tbh I need digi images like I need a hole in the head!

    Susan xx

  13. Wow she's getting so big! Very cute too :o)

    Lovely card. Such a sweet image and love the papers. Hugs, Lisa x

  14. A gorgeous 'Mo' image set off beautifully with the gingham paper. Thank you for joining us at OSAAT with this little sweetie. Jennie

  15. My God, how she grew up! And those eyes!
    Looks like she was scolded ...
    Your card is really beautiful Chris but sorry, I only have eyes for Mathilda ;-)

    Rosi x
