
Saturday 12 January 2013

Happy days

Back again, two posts in one day, certainly doesn't happen very often! I have had a very happy day today, spent the morning with a lovely friend who I haven't seen since well before Christmas. We spent quite a lot of just chatting, there was a lot to catch up with! We did, however, take Mathilda for a walk around the woods, which took longer than expected as there were lots of doggie friends to greet! She is one friendly puppy! (if a little rough!!! -her manners still leave a lot to be desired! She doesn't quite understand that most dogs don't really enjoy being biffed around the head with a giant muddy paw!)

After her walk she was feeling a little tired so she thought she'd sit on the sofa and watch a spot of tv....
Anyway, back to the card, this weeks challenge at LIM is to make a one layer card with the theme of sport or exercise.  This is my offering! The stamp is by Little Claire, a bit of masking and distress ink and added a touch of glossy accents. Job done! (as my son would say!)
No snow here ...yet!
Also entering these challenges:abcchallenges CAS
tammyscrapincorner manly cards


  1. What a great male card, Chris. Love that stamp! Hugs, Tracey x

  2. Brilliant CAS card and fantastic image -thanks for joining us at Tammy's Scrapin Corner
    Carol DT x

  3. Awhh!! Chris she is such a cutie..I LOve that you let us know what she's been up to lol.
    After all she is still only a puppy and paws do play a big part in that. What does she like to watch on TV hee hee.. You never said!
    Oh I'm here about your card!
    A FABulous CAS card...LOving your colours. LOving your design.

  4. Mathilda is totally gorgeous and adorable, she looks very comfortable in charge of the sofa and the remote control lol!
    Great bit of masking on your card, looks really good.

  5. Superb card, love the stamps and brilliant masking.

  6. Great bit of masking here!
    Super card!
    Thanks so much
    Less is Pre

  7. Fantastic card, love the addition of the masking

  8. Hi Chris, just had to stop and comment here as well! Great card, perfect masking but it's your Mathilda who is the real star - well to me anyway! Isn't she just gorgeous!!!

    Love the name as well, just wondering how you came to pick it? We've got a couple of kittens (in addition to their mum and our old boy (totally unrelated!)) and they've ended up being called Ewok and Worried - baby names that have just stuck!

    Hope you are having a good weekend.


  9. What a great card! Your masking looks awesome!

  10. Cute card! Wonderful masking. I love the sports theme. I love your Mathilda; beautiful dog! Hugs, Gail

  11. FABULOUS card and love the pic of your gorgeous pooch


  12. A perfect card for any man and Mathilda is the cutest. Thanks for sharing your talent with us. Good luck.
    {Tammy’s Scrapin Corner DT Member}
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  13. Love the card would be great for any sport fan The dog ain't half bad either ha ha She looks really comfortable but the TV program has obviously got to a sad part in the film, hence the downcast eyes. Or does she know she shouldn't be there. ha ha Happy New Year

  14. Does Mathilda have trouble changing the channels on the remote with those big paws??? LOL Great card and a Gorgeous doggy... who in my opinion just shades it over the card as being the best photo in the post!!LOL

  15. This is so very cute.
    I love the doggie too

    Your Design is fantastic.
    We are so honored you shared it with us.

    The Best of luck in your challenge this week and we hope to see you back next week.
    Hugs Tammy Ortiz - Owner of Tammy Scrapin Corner

  16. Great card and image.. this is such a great theme.. Love the manly items hanging on the tree. Thanks so much for joining us over at Tammy's Scrapin Corner..

  17. Awesome card - I really like that image and the way you've done it with touches of red. That dog of yours is wayyyy tooo cute (name sure fits her) - that picture makes me smile! Thanks for joining us this week at 'ABC' Challenges.

  18. I love this card and the image is really cute! The puppy is adorable and they grow up so fast! Thank you for joining us this week at ABC challenges!

  19. Mathilda is just too cute Chris, that photo is adorable!! What a brilliant card hon, it's a fab image! Snowed here overnight & just started again a short while ago! Hugs xx

  20. Oh, there are a variety of sports on your card! *lol*
    Very clever!
    Mathilda is so cute, sitting on the sofa.

    Rosi x

  21. first off I have to say that you have one very cute doggie there! I bet she is great fun to take for a walk!!

    Love your card, that image is fab! Wedgie xxx

  22. Lovely card - and what a sweet puppy!

  23. Hi Chris, this is gorgeous, just a perfect male card, clean and simple and what a sweet photo of Mathilda.. looks really tired after the walk ha ha :) xxx

  24. Fantastic image, brilliant colours ... love it! Anita :)

  25. Fantastic idea!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Crafty Hugs

  26. great masking !! and a perfect stamp from little claire

    Sorry late visiting this week...
    Thanks for joining us
    Jen xx
    "Less Is More"

  27. Fantastic card and I just love your dog! xxx
