
Friday 12 May 2023

Watering time

 Hello, it's been a busy week for me catching up after our holiday. A lot of time has been spent in the garden, weeding the flower beds and planting up the pots- of course I had a lot of 'help' from Marvin- persistently rolling his ball wherever I was weeding and then plonking it amongst the plants as I was trying to get them in the pots. At least (so far) he hasn't been biting the heads off the flowers so an improvement on last year!

My card today is my DT make for this week's challenge at Crafty Catz , hosted by Christine and sponsored by the fabulous All Dressed Up Stamps. The optional twist for anyone who wishes to use it is Add ribbon, lace or twine. I've coloured my image, Watering Time with my Copic markers, gave her some grass to stand on and a lightly stencilled sky. Die cut into  a tag shape and added a bow. The pretty papers I've had for years, no idea of make, added some die cut daisies with button centres. There's plenty of inspiration from my talented teamies over at Crafty Catz so do hop over for a look! 

Thanks for visiting- I hope you enjoy your weekend whatever you plan to do.



Challenge entries: 

thepapershelter #553

PFM #689

polkadoodle #18

alldressedup #139


  1. Morning Chris, this card is just so pretty. Sweet image and as usual coloured beautifully, really love the grass.
    Marvin's antics just crack me up, he sounds adorable, alot of work I should think, but adorable haha.
    Have a lovely weekend.xx

  2. She is absolutely adorable Chris,a beautiful card,Marvin is a character

  3. Fantastic card very summery.

    Mavin made me smile I was at my son's yesterday and Libby DIL was potting up and we were playing with the ball and their still a pup kept dropping the ball in the pot as Libby was the only one not playing x
    My Blog As I do Rodos

  4. beautiful papers and bow, she does look so sweet watering her flowers, just like you. I have been busy weeding as well, wish the flowers grew that quick lol xx

  5. De-heading flowers is Rosa's favourite pastime, would be very happy if it were just a ball. This is a really sweet image Chris and so girly.

    B x

  6. I love daisies and this is so very pretty. What beautiful ribbon to finish off this gorgeous girly card.

  7. Gorgeous image Chris and love it made into the tag shape. I do have a tag die and never think to use it. Had it for absolute years. Too much stash, that's the problem!! Love how the pretty ribbon matches your design paper so well. Have been busy weeding here too but not ready for putting plants into pots yet. The weather is so very changeable. Brilliant sunshine yesterday so a day spent in garden, today raining and cold. A day for crafting methinks. Hugs Mrs A.

  8. Super card, Chris. The image is adorable and I love the patterned paper. xx

  9. Gorgeous girly card and image beautifully coloured,love the bow and pretty paper.
    Carol x

  10. I Love, love, love your card Chris.
    Such beautiful colors, a sweet digi and a great shape!!

  11. Fabulous coloring and color combo, Chris. The bow is incredible and I love the stenciled sky! Great paper choice.

  12. FABulous colours and design Chris.
    LOve that delicious bow and such pretty daises.
    Glad you've got help in the garden lol. Sounds like lots of fun!

  13. Super adorable image and a fabulous fun fold too. Great coloring and paper.

  14. Love this image and your coloring is amazing. Thanks for joining the challenge at Polkadoodles challenge this week! Pam, DT

  15. This is absolutely gorgeous! And your colouring fantastic! Thank you for sharing your wonderful project with us at at All Dressed Up Stamps Challenge. Hugs Neva

  16. Very pretty card with those stunning colours, what a great design x

  17. Such a pretty card, thanks for sharing with us at The Paper Shelter.
    Julie DT

  18. Great paper choices and fab colouring of that pretty ADU image, Chris...
    Thanks for playing along with us at Passion for Markers this week, Lisa x

  19. What a sweet and darling card, Chris. I enjoyed reading about Marvin! It made me smile. Thank you for joining our Add Some Texture challenge on The Paper Shelter Challenge Blog. Good luck, and enjoy your day. Lori - DT

  20. What a gorgeous card Chris and the shape is lovely. Such a sweet image and your colouring is perfect. Love the papers and pretty bow. Thanks for sharing with us at Passion for Markers this week. Hugs, Denise x

  21. What a beautiful card Chris, love the sweet image and colouring, fabulous grass and sky and gorgeous fold.
    Glad Marvin is being good, my cat still uses my pots and beds!!..squashes everything.

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  22. An adorable card with lovely colours and a great looking card. Thank ypu for playing along with my "Layer it up!" challenge over at Passion for Markers.
    Love n hugs

  23. Chris this is stunning so love the dp with this and thanks for sharing at ADU

  24. Such a beautiful card Chris. Your image is such a cutey and I'm always in awe of your colouring the shading and highlights are just perfect and such a joy to see especially as I can only manage the size of a postage stamp lol. I had a good chuckle at your gardening with Marvin too Michelle x

  25. Wowzers this is perfect, I have these papers in my stash and i would never of made them look as good as you have! you've coloured the image so beautifully and it looks like the paper and image were made for each other!
    Have a lovely rest of the week
    Hugs Bridget xx

  26. What a gorgeous card! I love the image and your coloring is amazing! Thank you for sharing and playing along with Polkadoodles ~ Wendy

  27. This is super pretty. Love the colours, love the image and love the shape. I had to laugh at Marvin's antics. This is the first year in 15 years that we are able to plant as our wee dog peed on everything that didn't move lol. Even the grass is improving. Though he is greatly missed by us all.
