
Wednesday 3 July 2024

At the beach

Good morning, here's my DT card for our new challenge at Fab'n' Funky, hosted this fortnight by our lovely Pat K who has chosen the theme of 'Seaside' - perfect for this time of year! 

 My card was made some time ago, for my wonderful friend who's idea of heaven is a beach...and a good book! She has a 'thing' about beach huts too...not so sure if she's fond of seagulls! 
I made a stepper card with a combination of digis from different companies, the little girl with the big book looks very much at home sitting on the steps of the beach hut. Images and sand coloured with Copics, the sky and waves are stencilled the die cut is from Find It Media.

This will be our last challenge before we break for the summer so I do hope you can join us! Please hop over to Fab'n' Funky Challenges to check out the lovely cards my teamies have made to inspire you.

Thanks for visiting 



Challenge entries:

creativecrafters #77

thefourseasons July Challenge

hereisaplacetostart July Challenge

creativeknockouts #524

creative-creases #85

ilovepromarkers #562

PFM #746